6 / 2
19th Oct 2014
19th Oct 2014
Credit to konsole! I'm just showing him how far I got!
framesdie bomb sing bunker city


  • noodlesxp34122
    19th Oct 2014
    go to my profile to see my awesome azure bomb
  • noodlesxp34122
    19th Oct 2014
    @Noob-N-Proud I got through all of the layers
  • Noob-N-Proud
    19th Oct 2014
    There needs to be a clean cut whole through the middle to win. The part that gets me is the mercury that spews out everywhere
  • Kikkin
    19th Oct 2014
    Jesus.....that quartz part stopped my bomb in its tracks ._.
  • 2312352
    19th Oct 2014
    I used my bomb, i shot projectiles farther than the wall, but it iddnt go past the wall with the explosion, do i win?
  • Noob-N-Proud
    19th Oct 2014
    Don't worry about that man! This is one of the hardest walls out there. I'll help you with anything as well. Just tell me. If it's with a bomb just publish the save and I'll change it to your liking. :)
  • Krystian260599
    19th Oct 2014
    I thought my bomb was good cuz it wipes out cities- with this it didn't even make it pass 2 .... :(
  • Noob-N-Proud
    19th Oct 2014
    Do you guys want me to post my newest bomb? It generates warp and rips through anything. Well... Nearly anything