This took me forever to do but it was worth it cause it turned out great.
The floor disappered!!!
PortalPlayer was just critiquing your art. Just because he may not be the best artist on powdertoy doesn't mean he can't give you advice for your next piece of art, and it certainly doesn' give you the right to be rude like that. Also, just because people are saying that it looks bad doesn't mean they all hate art. I love art and i do see room for improvement. Just like PortalPlayer said, all of you lines need to be heading towards the vanishing point.
Disregard my last comment cause @PortalPlayer you really can't say anything about my awesome art when your saves aren't too good
Like i said there's going to be errors, but honestly does with so many people complaing about how bad it looks makes me sick cause that just gos to show how many people hate art but whatever
Only the edges of walls go to the vanishing point, all lines should point towards it (e.g. the edges of the bricks on the ground and the tops of bricks on the walls).
@duhman: *with energy sword in hand* definitely not.
Write !set type brck tnt and set it on fire
As a drawer thhis is amazing, i salute you sir! +1
am i the only one that expects slender to be there