Long range support ship desgined to burn through ship armor. Due to its lack of rear shielding and weak armor, this ship is usualy escorted by a pair of Splinter-Class Destroyers to protect it at close range.
again, i dislike gravity based shielding because it breakes wifi and distorts engine exhause with my glow engines. i did tests with it was was very dissipointed. the fray does not do much to protect the ship when the shielding is turned off.
You should remove the indestructable fray an replace it with gpmp shields. The gpmp shields are indestructable too, but you only need a dot every 20ish pixels
also i detest gravity shielding. and i called the armor weak becaue it only covers the front and part of the side
what do you mean about the weapon "realoading"?
nevermind the last comment, for some reason there isn't a powered gravity pump.
A better force field would be powered negative gravtity pump, considering you only have solids in your ship.
weak armor is apparantly having indesructible blocks as a casing. Also, the main weapon will break if you don't reload it, and it doesn't auto relaod, which I consider a basic thing to have. -1
Great! +1
guess all my hard work paid off
ahh the amount of times i've seen this re-posted... nice to finally see it on the fp