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7th Nov 2014
7th Nov 2014
These singularities in a pressurized environment will basically simulate TPT's version of the big bang. No console commands used. You have to apply the pressure across the entire thing shortly after the first explosion.


  • maxmurder
    7th Nov 2014
    lol Kent Hovind is a conspiracy nut and a con man. He is currently in prison for mail fraud. If you believe that lunatic over observational evidence of the expansion of the universe and overwhelming scientific consesnus, I feel bad for you.
  • TheGiantCookie
    7th Nov 2014
    The big bang kind of did happen, because whe God said "Let there be light" light was formed with a bang, but seeing as there was no atmosphere surrounding the earth at that point, no sound could be heard!
  • 64_bit
    7th Nov 2014
    eh i beleve the first guy
  • Moonkey
    7th Nov 2014
    Just because people disapprove of it doesn't mean it's right :p
  • TheExus
    7th Nov 2014
    The "Big Bang" neber even happened. Kent Hovind disproved it along with many others. Youtube 'Kent Hovind Creation Seminar'.