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11th Nov 2014
17th Jun 2017
Test bombs and such here. After a nuclear bomb incident, Everything went downhill after that. Comment reason/reasons for downvote and suggestions!


  • DragonSky321
    14th Nov 2014
    UPDATE: Added two new nukes, one set up by the outcasts of society after the riots, and another by the new government set up after the previous annouced that they would waste precious recources to try and save a damned city like this one.
  • DragonSky321
    14th Nov 2014
  • TSspazz
    14th Nov 2014
    Also, you can do cntrl and the =/+ button at the same time to remove that random sparking under the lake.
  • TSspazz
    14th Nov 2014
    Love the story-telling, +1
  • DragonSky321
    11th Nov 2014
    And now we're at the present.
  • DragonSky321
    11th Nov 2014
    WEEK 8: The team hears of odd beings in the city. They send out a scout team to investigate. Only one returns, spouting nonsense of demons and death and zombies. He soon succumbs to madness. The team decides to start a force to eradicate these damned beings of fiction.
  • DragonSky321
    11th Nov 2014
    Then, they start to mutate into horrifying monsters. Meanwhile, survivors of the nuclear explosions, bombings and riots decide to run to across the bridge somewhere safe to make a base since all hell has broken loose in the cities. They aquire weapons and resources and soon become the only law enforcement team within miles.
  • DragonSky321
    11th Nov 2014
    The parties gathered at the entranced when an explosion is heard. The parties look up to see a pillar falling down. Then, another explosion on the pillar goe off all it falls and crushes many of the rioters. WEEK 5: Scientists notice what looks like a UFO crash at the sight of the nuclear bombing when the start to feel very ill.
  • DragonSky321
    11th Nov 2014
    STORY: When the bomb went off, no one was prepared. Everyone thought nothing could go wrong. Then a nuke went off. After the nuke went off, there was an explosion at the nuclear plant. Then, at the coal mines. Soon, the easternmost city is uninhabitable from heat and radiation. WEEK 2: Raid parties are formed after he power plant announced it would be cutting of all power since the coal used to make power was alll used up since the bomb went off.