Calculations reveal that this galaxy will collide with meshorsharn, which is the prodcut of Meshorsha and Arn collideing.
Other minor civilizations also live here, but all who have achieved interstellar travel are ruled by the possunian, they also care for less technological civilizations
they are carnivorous, although they worship the war, possunian people Is very intelligent and receptive, his advances in medicine and biosciences is impressive, he has no problem with energy for having invented a "portable" form of nuclear fusion
although they have lungs, they also have gills, being amphibians
the possunians are insects similar to the beetle beetle, but they are deep red, they have a tail and sting, the exoskeleton is covered with a layer of leather, besides Are very resistant to cold and radiation, their pulmonary structure allows them to survive in the vacuum for up to an hour
Here lives most of the possums, a gigantic and powerful empire
of course, I 'd love to, when put that galaxy in its cluster , tell me to put the link to it
Can this be in my galaxy cluster?