19th Feb 2015
24th Feb 2015
I was messing around with FUSE when I discovered this. Keep the electricity supply constant, since the FUSE gets ruined once the electricity supply is interupted.
not really fuse just turns to plasma not turns electricity to plasma it needs spark to burn not turs it to plasma you liar -5000000000
Some update may have patched FUSE, as it seems this no longer works.
They all burn out...
*replaces boyle tanks with nble gas* Sure is electricity to plasma alright. :D
The boyle one does an hilarious effect when you cut its power supply! I made a save about it, it's called A Show and you can find it at my user page
Cool Machine Cool +1 like
Well all this is a good idea but we do have the electrodes for that
This is great! Using this, you can basically create a fuse NOT gate by putting PSCN on the end of a line of FUSE and sealing it with something non-flammable like QRTZ or FRME. As long as power is applied, the fuse won't ignite, but once power is cut off, it will. +1
@dragonbeater89: Changing the tmp of the tesc to 0 will stop it from creating lightning. No insulating covering needed. Also, swch and inst are conductive materials which don't melt/overheat aswell.(so is etrd but you'd be crazy to use that)
you should really be using tesc, it will never overheat and it wont produce lightning if its covered with heat resistant material(like frme or shld).