69 / 9
19th Feb 2015
24th Feb 2015
I was messing around with FUSE when I discovered this. Keep the electricity supply constant, since the FUSE gets ruined once the electricity supply is interupted.
plasma fuse


  • nukzhy
    18th Feb 2019
    not really fuse just turns to plasma not turns electricity to plasma it needs spark to burn not turs it to plasma you liar -5000000000
  • CCXL
    21st Jul 2016
    Some update may have patched FUSE, as it seems this no longer works.
  • lostkagamine
    5th May 2016
    They all burn out...
  • RedwiRed
    20th Feb 2016
    *replaces boyle tanks with nble gas* Sure is electricity to plasma alright. :D
  • lostkagamine
    29th Mar 2015
    The boyle one does an hilarious effect when you cut its power supply! I made a save about it, it's called A Show and you can find it at my user page
  • BMPro
    24th Feb 2015
    Cool Machine Cool +1 like
  • Ferne
    22nd Feb 2015
    Well all this is a good idea but we do have the electrodes for that
  • BlueComet
    21st Feb 2015
    This is great! Using this, you can basically create a fuse NOT gate by putting PSCN on the end of a line of FUSE and sealing it with something non-flammable like QRTZ or FRME. As long as power is applied, the fuse won't ignite, but once power is cut off, it will. +1
  • FuriousWeasel
    21st Feb 2015
    @dragonbeater89: Changing the tmp of the tesc to 0 will stop it from creating lightning. No insulating covering needed. Also, swch and inst are conductive materials which don't melt/overheat aswell.(so is etrd but you'd be crazy to use that)
  • Dargino
    21st Feb 2015
    you should really be using tesc, it will never overheat and it wont produce lightning if its covered with heat resistant material(like frme or shld).