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"Ellipsoid" is not the correct term for this save. An ellipsoid is a surface that is the three-dimensional analogue of an ellipse. What you're looking for is "elliptical" or, in the case of a parabola, "parabolic".
@NUKEer what a good way to advertise...
yeaa parabola..that is the right word :-D i just cant remember on it :-D so sry for that :-D
It's funny because I saw this just after making a GeoGebra file demonstrating the reflective properties of parabolas.
"elipsoid"? What is that? I only know of parabolas.
holy s**t , 10k+ views ? Ty
in this case F is position of LRCY according to INSL elipse
What does F stand for?
iam suprised too. But what is more weird is that this save got FP :-D its rly simple think :D
its weird how you got 8k views yet you got 5 comments if you include mine 6 weeeeird