A strong CRAY wall that does not use PSCN. EMP is the only banned element. Credit to whoever made the first CRAY wall.
id:2499884 broski
Uh..... 1797565
how can you break INST?
elaborating, ETRD makes all lightning arcs turn into PLSM and get redirected toward the ETRD, even through walls. This denies you from sprking things. I could probably beat your wall with far less particles, but I was in a hurry.
basically, your TESC destroys every part of the walls electronics.
Heh, this was actually really satisfying to make. Breaking all your INST using your own TESC by having ETRD convert all LIGH generated into PLSM that can melt the INST. 1772137
Sorry, On second thoughts, I'll ban EMP...
Well, there are no banned elements, so none of those are really cheating... I'll just check all of them
A lot of my saves listed are duplicates, so just look at the history. 1770548 is the win.
The VIBR quickly explodes too.