A strong CRAY wall that does not use PSCN. EMP is the only banned element. Credit to whoever made the first CRAY wall.
And an honest, fast win, although it uses BOMB. 1770548
heres my last (for now), really really ugly attempt. super creative and interesting challenge. +1 for making me spend so much time and make so little progress.
certaintly did cheat on that one. woops.
better win: 1770548... dont know if i cheated or something, because that save acts oddly. i think i did something.
That and dray being invincible is completely overpowered ;(
I don't think this counts as a win because the LOL and stuff forms what appears to be an indestructible wall at the top, but for the most part the entire wall is removed. Hurray for EMP spam? 1770485