This is my first city, the Galaktus. Is destroyable, detailed and reallistic in materials (I think). Enjoy the save and comment if you have a idea please! Zoom to see the details
It's a hoot! MEEEEYOW!
I can't see it cheak my message to find out more
aw galactic its so cute how you spelled pony like ponnie :'3
pinkcat,galactictails,bokiileopard,876pinkk......oh wait its pinkleopard,galacticcat,bokiigogipowder and 987 tails sorry my fault
a ponnie, two cats and a leopard, this is the league ehehehehe
Aw im on a little rocket, <3 @.@
I know, I try to make a building for the TBB group, I hope get
Wow 18k? Congratulations for your save. I don't know what add, do you have any idea?
meow meow
oh yay im supercat with pink,galactic and tails