This is my first city, the Galaktus. Is destroyable, detailed and reallistic in materials (I think). Enjoy the save and comment if you have a idea please! Zoom to see the details
hey galactic my city save got 18000 views.with adding more stuff this could get that much too
i got little kitties more of a cat person but i love doggies too
I do not like to treat my pets as servant but yes as companions
haters gonna hate.
My cats wake me licking, jump on my lap and make me massage all the time, and I prefer it a thousand times to a being who simply obeys me, I love it or not :)
no they dont because some people are allergetic. and plus, kittens dont "sit" or "roll over" on command
Yay kittens rule, I added a bomb >:D
Who cares if there are no explosives!!! I just put some of my nukes in it lol. MEOW MEOW MEOW KITTENS RULE!!!! P.S. KITTENS EAT PUPPIES!!! yay
Yes I have some explosive items in other saves that I could use in this, as meteor shower, black holes and etc ... but I wanted to make a peaceful save even :)
Not bad, but certainly lacks explosions. Maybe you could turn that peaceful blimp into a nuke carrier.