268 / 51
14th May 2015
1st Jan 2019
this is what happens when you download sonic.exe
file fire sanicexe realistic sanic gottagofast coal electronic crash computer


  • MichelleMarkham
    16th March
    Willzy: Make your computer out of solid titanium, place it in a steel-reinforced concrete bunker no less than 3 meters in thickness, add a Faraday cage around it to prevent transfer, isolate the power supply, THEN download sonic.exe. Worst case scenario, you detonate the nuclear warheads located under the bunker.
  • Willzy
    3rd Dec 2023
    idea for u guys: click sonic.exe, and press CTRL and = at the same time (it removes all sparks that exist in the save) OR U CAN JUST RUN SONIC WITH NO FIREWALL AND ADMIN PERMISSION HEHEHEHEHEHEH
  • Willzy
    3rd Dec 2023
    michellemarkham: i have shadows off, runs at 60 fps. I add 87 mods, my computer runs at 40 fps sometimes. If i add Parallax, This is what my computer would look like, but my entire house is literally plasma. If it was indestructible, the fan could cut diamond.
  • MichelleMarkham
    16th Sep 2023
    my computer playing Kerbal Space Program with max graphics and max draw distance (when objects are physically simulated)
  • Razorshark
    2nd Aug 2023
    how does the damage change when you reload
  • VillagerMilton
    16th May 2023
    my computer running tpt
  • MichelleMarkham
    24th Apr 2023
    i defused it, first i removed a certain pixel then i tried clicking EMP and it still blew up as soon as i connected it. atleast I disconnected power without it going nuclear
  • ItsYoBoyCharlie
    30th Sep 2022
    if you cut the power it's worse
  • proplayer
    20th Jun 2022
    Call 911!
  • kitsy
    3rd Jun 2022
    Hry225 oh