I am not sure what name to give the machine, I gave the name of spotlight but it seems a machine that plays bright confetti... Anyway, it was to be a colorful EMBR laser but ended up giving it, I hope you enjoy. Cool effects in 3 (persist display)
you thinking about it if you can turn on different colors... why cant we turn off different colors
more 6 positive votes and I will beat my record, thanks to everyone who +1'ed the save, really didn't thought this save would achieving many votes =^-^=
with some minor editing, you can make a shotgun
The name of the machine shall be Charles. Also super cool. +1
thanks for all :3
cant turn the colours off, but its still AWESOME
for best reasults press 3
Made a version with better color control. id:1793501
If you type in the console "!set temp cray 999999" change the colorful machine for a gun, a strange gun.