48 / 4
2nd Jun 2015
17th Jan 2016
The B variant of the Revanant SAV Sports a High power proton laser in place of its standard cannon. This weapon is better suited for single targets and for shooting down attack aircraft but lacks the area damage of the thermonuclear shells.
hiddenbutton entropy space tank


  • Dorito_tRF
    21st Aug 2015
    and how would you deal with a fast tank with melee weapons, a proton laser isnt much for ap, and the thermonuclear shells, as i said, would blow up your own tanks
  • Dorito_tRF
    21st Aug 2015
    it has less, its like comparing c-4 to a shaped charge, the one designed for AP will ALWAYS get further thought, especcially due to energy lost in the explosion exploding in other directions, whereas a exxplosing in a single direction will be more effective, and is much,much more efficiant, as it would use just metal
  • Death_Silence_66
    20th Aug 2015
    Radiation is not an issue, nor is collateral damage. A 1 kiloton nuclear warhead has the power of 1000 tons of tnt. There is no possible way it has less AP potential than a APDS shell of simmilar caliber.
  • rop1p
    20th Aug 2015
    this one uses proton lasers. it goes faster and doesn't experience drag. the nuclear shell does damage to a wader area, and has more power than a ke penetrator. it also moves faster given some of the feats stated
  • Dorito_tRF
    20th Aug 2015
    nuclear isnt good, not only cause of the radiation, it also can cause collateral damage, a kinetic energy round is more precise, and is better at AP, the whole point of the cannon is to get through thick armour
  • Death_Silence_66
    19th Aug 2015
    Btw, both APDS and APFSDS count as Sabot shells. The FS just means fin stabilized.
  • Death_Silence_66
    19th Aug 2015
    Why the hell would I use APFSDS when I can use thermonuclear warheads?
  • Dorito_tRF
    19th Aug 2015
    sorry i meant APFSDS
  • Dorito_tRF
    19th Aug 2015
    other known as APDS
  • Dorito_tRF
    19th Aug 2015
    why do none of yor tanks use sabot rounds