56 / 7
23rd Jun 2015
28th Jun 2024
Exploits the heating properties of WARP trapped inside of a gas-only chamber in order to heat a massive stream of photons. Applies a QRTZ scattering lens to the tip for a green spray that reflects slightly less often.
laser photon warp cloud barrel


  • handicraftsman
    7th Jan 2016
    *best (cts)
  • handicraftsman
    5th Jan 2016
    @Catelite, you are bes laser-maker. Because of you, i was started creating my own lasers.
  • MikeBest
    27th Jun 2015
    wow, I almost reported you for stealing the "compact laser", then I saw it was you who made it! I played with it for hours in my first months of TPT. +1
  • TruShadow
    26th Jun 2015
    wow catelite, your awesome ! +1
  • 12Me21
    26th Jun 2015
    It's so hard to make a reliable proton laser! you need SO MUCH HYDROGEN!!!
  • Catelite
    26th Jun 2015
    I don't really like protons!
  • 0356459
    25th Jun 2015
    make it shoot protons! :)
  • Catelite
    25th Jun 2015
    I don't remember exactly which variables of WARP do which, but you can take WARP from the explosion of EXOT and modify the tmp2, tmp, and LIFE properties to make WARP that doesn't generate pressure. The reason there is something besides WARP inside the box is so that it has something to switch places with constantly, so that it doesn't run out of LIFE and die.
  • Catelite
    25th Jun 2015
    12Me21 is right, the SPWN Ctype is only to prevent the CLNE from producing any elements, since one is cleverly hidden in plain sight on the gun! PCLN/CLNE are permeable to photons like GLAS, but also conduct heat at the fastest possible rate (as fast as some other elements, but more convenient)
  • 12Me21
    25th Jun 2015
    PCLN (SPWN) doesn't clone more spwn if there is already one on the screen