12 / 2
2nd Aug 2015
8th Sep 2015
A "mostly" realistic recreation of the explosion at chernobyl's 4th reactor. Give it a minute or two for the "corium" to melt into the floors.
chernobyl youtube steam melt explosion radiation water uranium


  • grzyb11
    4th Aug 2024
    jesus christ all 3 of these explanations are actual garbage
  • Neptune
    5th Oct 2019
    no the explosion was caused by a chief that wanted to run a test at 200 MW, instead of 700 MW. then the MW was too low... so the chief said to bring the power up. then the reactor had a melt down.......... yes this is from hbo chernobyl
    15th Dec 2016
    the explosion was caused b/c they were tsting new cooling equipment however they forgot to shut down the reactor so only the cooling unit was off causing the reactor to go into meltdown
  • adammmm4
    19th Aug 2015
    @Another_one_brony the chernobyl explosion was caused by the russians experimenting with the efficiency of the reactor , it then became unstable from pressure and blew up
  • Another_one_brony
    9th Aug 2015
    Wasn't there a corrupted rod? Anyway, +1