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27th Aug 2015
27th Aug 2015
My first post in a long time, I have upgraded my little submarine to have functioning weapons. Her purpose is just to disrupt supply lines, as all of her weapons deal with harassing surface ships. No spce to write more... u'll have to figure out how to..
submarine nuke bomb boat ship gold rocket


  • CNOfusioncycle
    27th Aug 2015
    These are the instuctions I couldn't finish in description. Read from bottom to Top.
  • CNOfusioncycle
    27th Aug 2015
    with the DEUT saturator. ALso, I filled the empty spots in the crewroom with iron, so when copy and pasted into water, sho woudln/t flood. The Sponge should keep the area around the DEUT equipment clean and dry, but make sure to delete the pixel of water in between the TNT pixels on the DEUT saturator and the FIRW launchers. DO NOT SPARK. ONLY SPARK THE DEUT BOMB SELF DESTRUCT< BUT NOTHING ELSE. YOU HAVE BEEN WARNED.
  • CNOfusioncycle
    27th Aug 2015
    the air pipe unclogged and open to the surface, if you put fir in between the two TNT pixels, it will, well, flood DEUT all over the place. Lastly, right in between the DEUT saturator and the crewroom it PSCN and a PCLN and some DEUT. I think one would know what that does. Most efficiently used in touch
  • CNOfusioncycle
    27th Aug 2015
    flying aircraft, and possibly breach the hull of transport boats. THe chamber autofloods so you do not have to worry about the fire going all over the sub. However, as in reality, the FIRW launchers do have a chance of backfiring, so be careful. In the back is a DEUT saturator. As long as you keep
  • CNOfusioncycle
    27th Aug 2015
    Ok, so what I couldn/t finish in the description is: The front has 4 FIRW Missile Launchers, that can damage low flying aircraft, and possibly breach the hull of transport boats. THe chamber autofloods so you do not have to worry