Making a point about efficient design and knowing the right techniques to employ. The top laser was built by qq10400582283 (id:1854140), and seems like it should be far more impressive. The bottom one is my own, and free to copy if you want it.
Well I mean, the big one is heat a lot more material :P Though if all you're trying to do is punch a hole the small one is great. Love the layered CONV, I'd like to think I invented it but I just had made a save with it and it was on fp for a while lol
Eh, I think I found a tut. Well thanks for the response though, that is useful.
And how do you layer solids? I never got that... hm you can link an ID to a tut if you know of one or maybe just explain it?
High enough pressure or gravity will push the PLSM away, but it doesn't happen very easily.
Two layered CONV particles. The 'hidden' layer converts anything adjacent into BRAY, while the 'top' layer turns it into PLSM within the same frame. Since BRAY is immobile, the particles lose their velocity on every single frame, while their LIFE is reset to the default value so they never fade away.
What's around the conv that makes them just always have plsm around them?