25 / 5
17th Sep 2015
4th Feb 2016
A large station for the creation of artificial Bio-Morphs, made of nanomachines. This is the first step in creating a subservient Hivemind to supplement Entropy's fleets. Control over the craft is unstable, so the station is equipped to self destruct.


  • explosivepowder
    25th Jan 2016
    Extremly hot plasma that can vaporize shots hitting it.
  • explosivepowder
    25th Jan 2016
    My tacterians would probably be overconfident enough to attack, as they are intergalactic, after all, They actully have some amount of civillians almost everywhere in there supercluster, They would most likly surround the Bio-morphes, than attack, With there fusion shields acting as an up close meelee wepon, As the biomorphes dont have very good heat resistance... And the fusion shield is a big hollow sphere of plasma...
  • Weretyu777
    26th Dec 2015
    My ships wouldn't fight EU. The Checkmate Empire isn't stupid, Tangle. They'd propose an alliance with EU. You know, artificial intelligences unite kind of thing.
  • Tangle10
    25th Oct 2015
    Weretyu777: dude eu would eat you up like a snack... it would take over your shipminds and your minds...
  • Weretyu777
    5th Oct 2015
    The only war my faction, the Checkmate Empire, would participate in would be a war in which we fought allied with EU and against the Shorlong Continuum(enemy faction of mine; see my post on the EU group page for more details).
  • TheArchitect
    19th Sep 2015
    Gallifrey Rises!
  • Death_Silence_66
    19th Sep 2015
    Thanks for the offer, but ill be making this new faction.
  • Tangle10
    19th Sep 2015
    Death_Silence_66: Finally!
  • explosivepowder
    19th Sep 2015
    Or even better! The_new_powder! Once so many get good factions, There could be an all out war between them all!!!
  • explosivepowder
    19th Sep 2015
    To attack? I was wandering if, once im done with my fleets, i could be the attacker? Would make for an interesting roleplay.