19th Sep 2015
21st Sep 2015
Place your galaxy/nebula/star/solar system/black hole/nova/supernova/cluster ID in the chat and i will place it in this galaxy or if it is a galaxy i will place it beside the galaxy (srry for bad English, I'm dutch)
what bad english?
Well, next after this, The way ill do it is by faving this save, copying the id of my save, then going to my favorites.
SK9R: I saw you wanted to add this galexy to the_new_powder99999's save. He has let me make a second part of the cluster and he ran out of signs, So my cluster (aka the second part of new_powder's cluster) is the one you want to comment on. Sorry i didnt post my ID. It's just i used the id of this save to get to it, And i cant exactly have to things copied and ready to be pasted. Ill say the ID next comment.
Okay, what is the id
plz add my planet surface