The Bio-Morph command ship, the Spinner-Class can match a Warframe Eclipse in direct combat. In addition to it's massive firepower, it can grow thousands of lesser Bio-Morphs daily.
Mostly correct. Planets are mined of all their resources and used to store supercomputers or house populations.
They would constantly get blown up.
I'd imagine if there were ships like these, nobody would bother with trying to do anything on a planet.
*did .
@Blackmane I guess the Bio-Morphs do fill the same sort of role as the Tyranids.
welp it doesnt work for me... i built a mine layer that can reload :)
@Tommers I built small, simple saves and learned the properties of elements. After doing that on and off for about a year, I built my first ship.
ds66 how did YOU get good
Is this a tyranid hiveship? If so its oddly symettrycal.
If you don't figure this out on your own, you wont get any better.