3 / 0
19th Dec 2015
19th Dec 2015
Credits to DoubleF, just made fun of it and this came out, and for people who hate that i copied his work, I'm very sorry, just wanted to show something amazing


  • repolyo
    20th Dec 2015
    I just wanted to share this accidentally amazing art. Again, credits to DoubleF
  • repolyo
    20th Dec 2015
    First, I made it cold, and placed virus, then when its all infected, I used console and turn it into coal, after I unpaused the game it turned into fire, then I used console again to turn it into coal. Then this turned out
  • LBPHacker
    19th Dec 2015
    Hey, most people will notice the credits right away. Those who don't can go and smell some chlorine. Also, how exactly did you do this?