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21st Dec 2015
26th Jan 2016
A galaxy that is exploding due to the SMBH in its center being obliterated by an anti-matter white hole.


  • explosivepowder
    8th Apr 2017
    After the huge black hole blast, another blast occures. This time, a star went supernova, however the resulting energy spontaniously created antimatter and matter. Which annihilated with the massive energy. That energy, once again, created matter-antimatter pairs. This cycle loops, createing a large cloud of huge energy with reliable outputs of huge energy.
  • explosivepowder
    11th Aug 2016
  • CaptDallas
    13th May 2016
    So the emp was travelling faster than light? how?
  • explosivepowder
    28th Feb 2016
    Meshorsha is also going into its active period.
  • explosivepowder
    28th Feb 2016
    Meshorsha erupts again! A huge black hole merges with another huge black hole made of antimatter - When the two annihalated, the resulting explosion also emmited EMP, Wich quickly turned almost all neshorishian ships in meshorsha against the neshorish, And many everywhere else. Had there craft been bigger, there armor would've been able to block the EMP, but alas, for swarm tactics, they need to be small.
  • Windspren
    26th Feb 2016
    I share tech with the Tactarians that allows you to mass produce antimatter. It is derived from quantum manipulation technology, which is the same tech used in superposition drives, entanglement communicators, and particle unfolding/folding units. The antimatter producers reverse the quantum number of each particle in the matter chosen for conversion, transforming it into antimatter. QMT has a variety of other uses, and is the greatest technological breakthrough ever concieved.
  • explosivepowder
    25th Feb 2016
    The morfarian neshorish first get there eyes on this galaxy conquering it really fast - The tacterians are barely able to hold the galaxy in there possesion due to the sheer number of swarming anti-matter transport probes
  • explosivepowder
    21st Dec 2015
    (essensially, there was before any white holes an equal amount of matter and anti matter stored in dark matter, when the matter white hole appeared, it spewed more matter, leaving the dark matter left having a total more anti matter than matter, most future white holes will be anti-matter, and when all dark matter is used, there will be an equal amount of matter and anti-matter in the universe, this will eventully annihalate each other, Spelling end for the cosmos)
  • explosivepowder
    21st Dec 2015
    The big bang was one of these white holes lasting longer than usuall, spewing out mostly matter, Some anti matter, And the end of the universe will be when the white holes make up for the equal amount of anti matter and matter, and then the 2 obliterate each other
  • explosivepowder
    21st Dec 2015
    In case people are confused (White holes repel, so they must have negetive mass, thats impossible) In my theory, When enough dark matter is in one place, and some dark energy stimulates it, A white hole appears, Spewing out matter, anti matter, or both.