Hopefully, the information in this save will help you guys make a variety of innovative bots, which will drive the evolution that the SFPI strives for. The system is not perfect, please report any bugs in the comments; I will try to fix them. Thanks!
That's because if you remove the buffers, the randomizer on the top left is sending signals to nothing.
If you remove the buffers and meat cells, the randomizers can co-exist
You have to take the bufferless randomizer out the save for it to work
But... running at twice that fps, it's fine! Did you leave the bufferless randomizer? Bufferless doesn't mean wifiless. The two cells can interfere and kill each other.
because running at 55 fps it breaks pretty quickly
Since you've got alot of space in the centre cell. I'd widen the merc randomizer so there's two pixels between each wifi, so the signals aren't messing it up as much