No, art is valued and electronics are valued.
Daeox it does say "GOOD ELECTRONICS + ar is double valued" specifically the electronics part and this has only art.
Whe people say "it's not really that good", I have to ask, compared to what? Compared to real-world traditional media art, digitally drawn/painted art, and other common media, of course it's not that good. But when you take into account that it was made in a program designed for physics simulation, you must give the creator SOME credit, especially when they likely did it with only a mouse and a program that's only slightly more intuitive for art than MS Paint
It makes me angry because you just KNOW that people are downvoting this because it's art. One of the things that it literally displays at the top of the screen is "Good electronics + art is double valued."
Honestly, it isnt that good...
i thoughtt this gamje doest like art
it is not of the same sort of thing the rules are talking about lewis5252 it is clearly done by hand only. look closer. this is still a job well done though.