16 / 3
28th Feb 2016
16th Feb 2017
We start with 32 pixels of COAL and you put 1 pixel of FIRE into the box. We get a large column of LOXY at the end, which far exceeds the 33 pixels puut in.
density itsdensity physics coal conservation glitch foundabug


  • TNTPig1
    11th May 2016
    dont kill me +1
  • TNTPig1
    11th May 2016
    i might have stolen the loxy generator
  • dyaomaster
    8th May 2016
    I agree. I just thought of coal as having a high energy density, which could be converted to matter with a much lower energy density, instead of physical density. Also, the game represents fire as matter instead of energy interacting with matter, so much less energy is needed to create a single pixel of matter.
  • Technomancer
    6th May 2016
    What you need to remember is that the number of pixels represents what would in reality be the volume of coal or oxygen, rather than the mass. As Nean says, the small amount of coal becomes a large amount of smoke - because smoke is less dense, so the same mass occupies greater volume (ie, more pixels). But since TPT doesn't track the mass of particles, they can violate conservation of mass and/or energy if they change to a different type.
  • Nean
    4th May 2016
    Do you think it would be from the large amount of smoke particles the coal creates?
  • Skiruyoshi
    17th Apr 2016
    i made something like this
  • techyman305
    7th Apr 2016
    Not only is it a great conservation of matter expiriment, its one of the best loxy machines made. +1! Also dyaomaster, I'm starting a small group here on tpt of people who appreciate XKCD, and I was wondering if you'd be interested in joining.
  • warmlordoffire
    1st Mar 2016