A smaller version of my PHOT cannon. Modes: normal PHOT, GRVT, NEUT (for some reason PHOT comes off), ELEC, and scattered PHOT
i think that GRVT mode is both the most effective mode, and the one least likely to kill whoever happens to be holding the laser gun (and everyone around them)
Oh, not forgetting your upvote. Great to see a new great name in TPT.
Hey Schicko! I made some subframe DRAY lasers 1.5 years ago; though still primitive, due to our knowledge back then, it's nice to see how it can be massively improved with the new technologies you all discovered/improved. Ever since Mur, the advancements in TPT tech have been impressive.
Thanks, @Schicko and @Qweryntino
This is pretty epic =) I encourage you to republish your saves couple of times, so more people will see it, and don't forget about tags ^_^
Nice job. See if you can make more modes for it.