3 / 0
29th Mar 2016
12th Apr 2016
This bunker is for lower tier bombs... That means you can use this for starting out with your low area, high damage bombs... I absolutely hate it when people floodfill to make their 'bomb,' or when they use any unnatural elements.


  • NorthMustang
    12th May 2016
    @dragoninferno99 || May I see it?
  • dragoninferno99
    13th Apr 2016
  • NorthMustang
    12th Apr 2016
    Come to think of it, I like bombs as mentioned by rrr598, that reduce the entire save to lava... The thing is, I only like them if they are extremely compact, and only use real elements.
  • NorthMustang
    29th Mar 2016
    Yea, visual bombs are nice to have now and then; However, combining the destructive force of a ball of DEST, and the visually pleasing aftermath is only a little hard to do.
  • rrr598
    29th Mar 2016
    I hate bombs that reduce the entire save to lava. I can do that with a ball of DEST. What I can't do with that, though, is get a cool-looking bombed-out cityscape. That's why I like small-medium bombs.
  • NorthMustang
    29th Mar 2016
    By the way, thanks for putting this on the front page.
  • NorthMustang
    29th Mar 2016
    Yea, I do instant exploding bombs for compactness; However, I am striving to make my newer bombs more realistic in ways like, using realistic elements, stability, and size... I like to keep them smaller than 10X10 wall spaces, that's 40x40 pixels.
  • bimmo_devices
    29th Mar 2016
    I hate it when people use 'bombs' which explode instantly without some form of detonation. I much prefer stable bombs that can survive without pausing!