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19th Apr 2016
24th Apr 2016
Steam pressure raises the temperature of the uran to 1500C, salt is used as a coolant and also transfer medium of the heat. Pressure sensors and a temperature sensor opens valves when temperature or pressure is too high (would melt the titanium heatsink(


  • blaskkaffe
    24th Apr 2016
    i am trying to experiment with pipes, the problem so far is that they transfer less water and are also prone to overheating, i need new heatsinks with less air resistance to make it work
  • Nean
    23rd Apr 2016
    mispelled cows, sorr
  • Nean
    23rd Apr 2016
    Very nicely done. Hope this gets to front page instead of cws.
  • goliath02
    23rd Apr 2016
    wow! thats awesome!!! +1! try intead of using portal, use pipes.
  • blaskkaffe
    22nd Apr 2016
    Good idea, i have started to replace walls with titan and insulation
  • MemeBeam
    21st Apr 2016
    Try making it with less walls(or non at all) with your design it would be possible
  • blaskkaffe
    19th Apr 2016
    i have now made it recirculate and cool the steam. The steam passes by the mercury tubes and gets cooled to water. If it still is too hot after first cooling the remaining steam will cool down after the second cooling rod