i figured it out, just turn everything off
Ju 87 stuka... Anyway, amazing work, and great selection of reactor model to depict.
You really need to finish the control panel. This is such a cool save, keep it up!
Very cool design... way beyond my understanding of tpt, I was however capible of figureing out how to turn off the water inlet and watch it explode :)
What, the, heck, is, this? My feeble mind, that only understands how to make overpowered weaponry, cannont understand what this is. Maybe a reactor?
got inlet temp to 1100 before meltdown
I have no clue what todo here ._.
!NeverButNOW: Please make a demo of a new one and we'll see how to resize old one. Anyway it's fine on my Screen with "Large Screen Opcion ON" on TPT