True, this is a very true save. I made several saves and they were neglected and not noticed. It's like I'm fading into obscurity, it sucks to fade into that void.
Comment spam by NorthMustang deleted. This save demoted from FP since it is text-only.
@NorthMustang it's time to stop. stop spamming us with that save.
If we just all did what Matera did, TPT would be a better place.
Yes, I do know that it's just saying that we should look at the "By Date" list frequently, but it suggests almost everything I mentioned as well.
@Dzeni || So let me get this sraight, this save was made to tell us to not up-vote 'stupid' saves, and upvote the 'good' saves... So therefor what it's saying is that we should all be more aware of the new saves coming out... In context, what I'm saying is, "Get out there and do it yourself before you tell someone else to, you hypocrite!" Spot on? Or is the save supposed to be suggesting that TPT is broken and needs to have a real-time updated "Latest Save" slot on the front page?
@NorthMustang, I was going to explain how you got the wrong idea and how nobody is asking anyone to judge all the saves but I'm not in the mood for that, so just accept that you didn't fully understand the idea and started ranting for no reason.
You can't fix stupid. At least not by whining about it. I'll tell you what I do. After a glance at fp to see if there's anything new, I sort by date and look around. Then, if I think someone is being neglected, I sort by user ID and vote up saves that I missed when they were new. _Sometimes I open saves that look like they are probably going to be crap and I end up amazed by their inventiveness._ If I am inspired by some odd trick, I vote up. If not, I move on. I seldom downvote.
So the truth behind FP, is that people vote on what they like, or feel sorry for... So if you want the job of sitting there and rating every save as soon as it comes out, be my guest.