112 / 4
8th Jul 2016
14th Jul 2016
Working piston ship.
futureofships iaddedflakbcwow spectacular amazingness carrier future pistonships 10upvotes reallygoodsave drone


  • Lebothegizebo
    12th Jul 2016
    Stability is a problem, explain this. I like this and voted a while back (:
  • lamyipfu
    10th Jul 2016
    Anyway, the introduction of piston is already a milestone. We don't have to limit the usage of piston. The deploy system in the carrier can totally be useful even for stationary spacecrafts.
  • lamyipfu
    10th Jul 2016
    Stability is another problem, piston cannot retract if something get into the piston, which piston are always leaving that gap to cause their own failure. Yet, I have been expermenting on different types of sealed movers that will block off the gap while moving, giving them abilities to travel in thick gas. Each design have its own pros and cons but they mostly have large size. I think this is the improvement most likely to work.
  • lamyipfu
    10th Jul 2016
    There is definitely a long way to go. Size is a problem, 2-way piston ship is small, but 4-ways ones are taking too much space, which is causing me to abandon the early 4-way design of this carrier. That model is just too cumbersome. However, if the 15 px. limit of extension can be removed, the size can go into an acceptable range.
  • the_new_powder99999
    10th Jul 2016
    I don't think a piston ship revolution will come until they aren't so easy to break, and can be used on larger ships without needing a line through the ship.
  • NotNeverButNOW
    10th Jul 2016
    As I said in the tag I made, This is the future of TPT ships.
  • lamyipfu
    10th Jul 2016
    The reason I only make working spacecrafts is based on the idea of actually putting them in real use, even in other saves. Then I selectively publish the ones that have potential for revolutionizing the current structures so as to inspire more and better technology in tpt, rather than being the lonely inventor that dulls an idea. Therefore, use the mechanism freely, no need to worry about credit.
  • AI_Entitus
    10th Jul 2016
    mind if i make a craft based of this? just the mechanism is important
  • AI_Entitus
    10th Jul 2016
    This would revolutionize vehicles in tpt, do you know what this means? ACTUAL GAMES
  • lamyipfu
    10th Jul 2016
    @the_new_powder99999, the neutron emitter is intended as communication device, which is using a specific protocol that can amplify the signal among the fleet. But this is just a quick concept build so it is purely a decoration now.