40 / 14
16th Jul 2016
15th Dec 2016
Basic Diagram of a Helium Atom.
science heisenberg physics helium4 neutron electron proton diagram atom helium


  • math
    22nd Jul 2016
    Actually, to be more specific, this is a diagram of hellium-4.
  • Percy-Jackson
    21st Jul 2016
    @techyman305,it does specify the displays that work best,on the bottom left of the screen.
  • TheArchitect
    20th Jul 2016
    Cikat2, that's very true. We must only know their location or their velocity. It's really quite similar to your genitalia. (Sorry, Bo Burnham reference. I couldn't resist.)
  • powderskye
    19th Jul 2016
    Saturn: i haz a rings :> J1407-B: i haz a moar rings :D Saturn: -.-
  • techyman305
    19th Jul 2016
    Can I just interject and say that I greatly dislike when a save requires fire or fancy display but doesn't bother to specify, because I spend most of my time in nothing display and I rarely get told when I need to be in fire or fancy display . . .
  • cikat2
    18th Jul 2016
    Very inacurrate- You didn't account for the Heisenberg uncertainty principle. The "2" electrons should be a bunch of wavering circles around the nucleus.
  • Onic
    18th Jul 2016
    PokeMinecraft, has some theroetical correctness, but we are probably going to run out of helium.
  • gollark8
    18th Jul 2016
    @PokeMinecraft14 Oh, yes, and there are totally giant magic machines in the earth that magically put more helium into the deposits...
  • matbo2210
    18th Jul 2016
    @PokeMinecraft14 im sorry man, you seem really smart but then i look at your username, quite a shame XD
  • a_beepbop
    18th Jul 2016
    Are you saying that helium is made of liquid crystal? o mai gawd (facetious)