A self-sustaining generator powered by pure LOLZ. (No battery used in the making of this save!) It could be made smaller, but that decreases its reliability.
weirdest ways of making power
why dosnt the vibr explode?
cool the lightbulb enough and the stickman pops out.
this is lolz abuse
I prefer to keep power gneration projects non-subframe, since it proves that they are in fact self-sustaining (you may as well just have some BTRY on the output if it's used in generating the power)
i made subframe version of this! 2046279
i have to say well done sir +1
add any photon in the middle and watch it!!!
INFINITE POWER!!! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3aLyiI2odhU
Stooop... I saw it before!