Very nice save !!!!! +99999 !
That's true, so i've fixed it, using your idea! Don't worry, i gave credit where it's due.
Because it fills as fast as it empties.
On a side note, without the delay...connecting the input and output just makes it work like BTRY
That is a great idea! Thanks for the advice! :D
A Capacitor is able to put out a greater flow of energy (more energy in the same space of time) than the source that fills it. In other words it stores a trickle of energy and dumps it all at once. This would be more accurate if there was a delay on the spawning of the liquid, so the release is faster than the input.
Well, thanks! 8/10 is pretty good in my opinion, I am honored to get such a high rank for such a simple device! :D Also, I got a lot of my skill learning from other creators, using one person's tech to fill a gap in another's, and combining that to create saves like these! (This save in particular i used ideas from Pythagora's Cup and TPT batteries to make this work!) Maybe you could do the same and become a well-known inventor yourself!