9 / 1
10th Dec 2016
5th Mar 2017
After much tinkering, I adjusted my '1frame' mechanism to be drastically smaller, but still capable of subframe. This compactness sacrifices some compatibility, as wifi is required for the rotatable/flippable version. Future updates coming.
subframe convfree noconv 1frame min1frame wolfenterprises


  • motaywo
    11th Jan 2017
    After much tinkering, and 5 test saves later, I've solved the bugs.
  • motaywo
    11th Dec 2016
    hmm, that might be it - I'll try and see if I can make a version without that problem
  • LBPHacker
    11th Dec 2016
    Have you saved the flipped versions and reopened them? Saving/reopening reorders particles, flipping/rotating does not.
  • motaywo
    11th Dec 2016
    LBP, I've tested it and it does work when flipped. It might be a bug on my end but I don't know.
  • LBPHacker
    10th Dec 2016
    And it can't be flipped either. Only the original version works when flipped vertically. Still, 3 our of 8 is pretty good.
  • LBPHacker
    10th Dec 2016
    Well, this is awesome, but it still can't be rotated. It does work when rotated 90 degrees CCW, but otherwise it's dead. Thank particle order for that, the same thing that plagues CONV-based subframe.
  • motaywo
    10th Dec 2016
    This device creates subframe spark without any conv whatsoever, and can be rotated, flipped, turned, swapped... anything you can throw at it.