A small but powerful generator
if you want one that doesnt use detector wall but is still gas fired id:2082129
@Self-Destruct not sure if trolling or trolling
@Self-Destruct No it doesn't, I can assure you it uses steam
@91codyk91 Actually, it doesn't. It uses STNE.
I mean you could even put dust in the detector wall and it would still produce sparks.
@Self_Destruct the fact is that it still uses steam to make power
Well, if you allow DETECTOR wall, then I have an infinite generator which burns nothing and does no reaction: id:2082142
fair enough
oh no i don't mean it just burns fuel. i mean mine uses the fuel itsself to generate electricity. yours uses detector wall to generate electricity. you can power it with anything. i'm not saying yours is any better or worse than mine, just that mine is different and can only run on burning fuel.