I will be using this for some of my creatures to allow them to vary when the replicate. I know its messy and confusing, but its really hard to explain. I will write a guide for it soon. Please don't downvote because of this! If you downvote say why.
Sorry I haven't made the guide yet guys... as soon as I made this I got sick (I think the flu) and so haven't felt up to it.
Ok I changed the swch to lcry so its fully destructible now
yeah, Mataywo I know swtch is indestructible but I probably wouldn't need it in a creature, it was more just a representation. And yeah self_destruct, but I didn't have a lot of time and just threw it together...
If you're trying to make it indestructable, PSCN and METL may not be the best idea... especially considering how low temperatures you have to be at to melt them.
Good Job, write that guide please, +1
I think it's good (+1), although I think it's worth pointing out that swch is indestructable...
i like it
*surprised. Also, I'm trying to keep it completely destructible so there can be no inst or filt to make it fast. Thats why its so big and slow.
Thank you guys, Im really suprsied this is fp. I didn't really intend for this to be a public save but I figured other people could possibly use it, so I published it.