3 / 0
22nd Feb 2017
22nd Feb 2017
A full color display. Colored photon beams from opposite sides overlap. When the beams are interupted on both sides a space opens where the two gaps meet. Im workin on a way to turn on/off each emitter for animations. Any ideas will be appreciated.


  • oldstones
    22nd Feb 2017
    I am trying to design a video driver for this display. If you've the skil, time and inclination, please offer up some ideas. This display has the potential for full motion, full color animation. Each point on the screen is two photons in the same place. If one beam is interupted, the gap just passes through... tbc
  • oldstones
    22nd Feb 2017
    ... to the other side of the screen, but if both opposing beams are interupted, then where the two gaps meet, the color disappears. So, right now im using a shutter system just to show the effect, but I want to add wifi to each--or a group of three- photon emitters so a program can turn them on/off and create a moving animation. Asking me questions or offering suggestions is mucho desired.
  • oldstones
    22nd Feb 2017
    I am trying to design a video driver for this display. If you've the skil, time and inclination, please offer up some ideas. This display has the potential for full motion, full color animation. Each point on the screen is two photons in the same place. If one beam is interupted, the gap just passes through... tbc