Physics get weird in this small chamber of constantly changing gravity... May make larger version soon.
physics* learn how to spell, 3 year old (joke)
If you search "psysics" there will be 3 saves of this and I have no idea who is copying who.
press 7
Pretty sure when you ctrl+shift click phot in there, it makes a higher dimensional shape
my bomb create infinite fusion inside it!!!!
Woah... thats weird but cool! :O :D
that's aperture type stuff I like your style
by putting a nuke inside it, i created a reactor thing
@QuanTech Psychical Physics
PLUT spawns when two PROT collide at high speeds. I recommend checking out any of the many particle accelerator saves for illustrating that. In this chamber, the PROT is accelerated by the rapidly changing gravity vector and it does indeed collide then. As for the fusion, I believe that's a side effect of that.