Reuploading with explaination signs because I guess constantly fusing hydrogen isn't fusion.
My guess is that since protons can go through particles, there might have been an overload of material to the point it shut down as a black hole
Nope, fusion doesn't release protons. Hygn releases yellow photons, Nble releases red photons, CO2 releases neutrons, and Oxyg releases Grvt
I got a chunk of BHOL by adding protons into the system. Maybe fusion releases protons that do that?
Yeah I get BHOL too, but its usually able to layer under the HYGN and everything else, and the BHOL itself also turns to HYGN. I dunno man, maybe its something in your settings. Because I get a constant beam that I can leave on overnight.
after a point, the HYGN fusion system tuns into BHOL :/