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12th Apr 2017
12th Apr 2017
This device is used to allow for under water breathing without the use of scuba gear such as a oxygen tank. How it works is really simple, it converts water to oxygen! wow who would have thought XD


  • MrPineapple
    29th Oct 2020
    And rebreathers work by absorbing the CO2 exhaled to allow the unused oxgyen to get used.
  • MrPineapple
    29th Oct 2020
    This is like an idea I had when I was younger to use electrolysis to give the user oxygen. But you would have to have a backpack full of batteries to supply enough power.
  • InterstellarBoy
    13th Apr 2017
    its called electrolysis and i just made one using electrolysis
  • InterstellarBoy
    12th Apr 2017
    @niumikus-I do know what you are talking about and im not totally satisfied about it either but like i said in the description i just used conv. I will make a more realistic version later but this was just a proof of concept.
  • niumikus
    12th Apr 2017
    its not bad, but u used conv i would like to see electolisys(dont know how to spell that)that seperates the water into hydrogen any i wont vote.