Instructions: 1 open H-supply, reactor pump and arm press.-system. 2 Wait until the core is flooded with H. 3 Start reactor. 4 let press. build up before open turb.-vents. if pipe-temp above 2000, close vent-2 for a while. start core only below 1000deg
i think its time to make a new reactor... this is very outdated in any case.
I don't know what's wrong here? This save worked fine for years, and now the core starts to explode :-(
yeah you have to turn off the reactor after a while
When the insulator burns, you heated the water too much/opened the valves too late.
why in the world did you use insulator instead of frame!? the insulator immediately burns off when i open the turbine valves
Timothysparrow: You do realize that a thermonuclear bomb uses a atomic bomb to create the extremes needed for fusion? So a thermonuclear reactor can use uranium and still will be a thermonuclear reactor.
and also pressurizer and heating systems for fusion startup and some emergency fusion stall procedures
IRL fusion reactor shopping list: containment field with electromagnetic field generator, power generation, cooling systems for core and magnets, fuel tank and synthesizer. and probably some exhaust port or something
I get it.
what's the update?