32 / 1
13th May 2017
5th Sep 2023
The second piece of armour added to the arsenal; the MBT. Featuring a 188mm smoothbore cannon and advanced composite armour and safety features. Please give more ideas for a modern (not too futuristic) arsenal... And blow this up :)
tank warfare bunker modern explosive engine bomb realistic armour moving


  • VIBR
    10th Sep 2022
    Also i'd say the ERA is somewhat... meh. From my own experimentation, ERA is best when it releases some sort of expanding gas/BCLN on break, so that it's actually reducing the stress behind the structure. MERC doesnt work as well since it tends to melt your entire structure occasionally. Maybe look into adding BOYL or RFDG?
  • VIBR
    10th Sep 2022
    looks amazing but the armour leaves a little to be desired ngl (though tbf your front armour takes 3 shots from my anti-armour gun, which isn't bad, it's just the rest of the hull really).
  • matty02102
    29th May 2018
    Haha I like a good conversation bud :P
  • Mcgaming
    29th May 2018
    i dont see a lot of people that respond to their viewers like you do
  • matty02102
    24th May 2018
    I'd certainly say he inspired me to build my own tanks, our designs are totally different though :P
  • Mcgaming
    22nd May 2018
    u inspired from gatpotzi?
  • matty02102
    2nd May 2018
    Ohhhh Christ mate sorry yes I did, thought I put a sign in. Apologies, will be done this second
  • drray
    10th Apr 2018
    soo U just copy&pasted my engine
  • matty02102
    13th Feb 2018
    Certainly can be if bottom set of ammo is detonated, detonate the rear storage and the blowoff plates do their job :P
  • Tw_M
    9th Feb 2018
    Ammoracked. :P