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22nd May 2017
9th Mar 2018
A place for any and all requested art or stickmen. If you want me to draw, stickmanize, or pixelate something request it in the comments. It's like the TPT version of DeviantArt commissions. :P PLZ LIKE AND COMMENT Fixed slight discoloring.
commissions commission pixelart original


  • MrGameandWatch
    6th Feb 2018
    pixel love
  • 51StupidPeople
    19th Jan 2018
    All colors are accurate to their NES sprites, hat is taken from large Mario and Cappy's eyes are from a Hammer Bro. Does anyone think I should make a misc. section in the future in case I make more of these 'pixel doodles'? 'Cause I just made that third one on a whim.
  • 51StupidPeople
    31st Oct 2017
    Nah, I really don't want to download anything on my computer, and I'm not good at modding. Sorry. :/
  • space_powder
    31st Oct 2017
    https://powdertoy.co.uk/Discussions/Thread/View.html?Thread=18198 Here is a post explaining TPTMP
  • 51StupidPeople
    31st Oct 2017
    However the fact that I now don't care about my works being un-pause friendly (as you can see with Niko) opens up more colors in more elements I wouldn't normally use, expecially the life elements. :)
  • 51StupidPeople
    31st Oct 2017
    So once I figure out what this TPTMP thing is, (never used it before, I don't really use the website like AT ALL) you can send me your art and I'll just match the deco colors with actual elements as best I can. In fact, it's actually for the reason two comments below I use non-deco at all, and it shows in some of my works like Charizard being slightly off because of the lack of orange elements or me not being able to match the exact color of Niko's eyes and arms in my most recent save.
  • 51StupidPeople
    31st Oct 2017
    , as for the deco if you look in some of my MUCH older saves, I DID use to use it, so I don't mind it. I just use non-deco because I think it takes a lot more skill and shows a lot more skill as an artist. That and I'm not very good at matching and looking for very SPECIFIC colors and shades in the deco box, so there's that too. XD As for deco in general, I don't mind it if it's done well like the Magellianic Cloud on the front page, I just don't have the skill to use it well myself.
  • 51StupidPeople
    31st Oct 2017
    Sorry I didn't reply eariler, I didn't see your comment, and no I don't have TPTMP nor do I know what that is, sorry. If you explain what it is to me I'll see if I can do it.
  • space_powder
    30th Oct 2017
    I have a front, back and side version of the character too. Unfortunately, it's mostly deco, so if you don't really like deco then rip
  • space_powder
    30th Oct 2017
    Do you have TPTMP? I can give you an SS13 character that I just made, and you can swap them out.