Yep..! I fairly recently actually dropped out of school because it was getting to be too much
nearly a year late, im sure, but don't listen to those idiots, as they are just jealous you are a part of something important and they aren't correct at all.
Okay, i have no idea how late I am, but anyway, I have problems at school because somebody spread a rumor that being a furry is the same thing as bestiality... :(
jesus im so late at everything. im a wolf
I agree! I like talking to other furry people too! :3 Btw, what is your animal? I'm a cat! (meow meow! xD)
hey im a furry. you be you im proud your being yourself.
also sorry for the 18 day late reply XD
Thanks for the feedback :D It always makes me happy to talk to other furs ^_^
I hate to break it to you, but this is actually entirely unrealistic. The electrons follow the easiest path, and the more electrons following the path, the easier it is to follow. (Translation: It makes a single thick arc, in a straight line, until the heat causes it to rise upwards, and eventually break the connection, and make a new arc, which starts the cycle over again.) Also, i am a furry too! :D