This system uses velocity to transmit the signal.
I made one with super far range! ID:2155472
Yheaaaaa...... no pls
A computer that works on pressure, I guess...
yaaaay! now lets see what the experts can make with this
Yep, the wireless transmission week has officcially begun...
It has a story why I started this but if i tell the story all the hype is gone :/
its not like it was invented now, but the hype is starting :)
and war ships and submarines and more...
For dummys: we dont use wires because sometimes a distance is so far away we cant take the time to set cables there. the only thing that is connected with wires is the world wide web and yes that goes a very long distance but we dont transmit like this across oceans because whales could interupt it easily
Lol nobody gets the concept of this