17 / 1
25th Jun 2017
25th Apr 2021
The first SPG I've made. The vehicle has strong frontal armour but minimal elsewhere as it is not expected to be flanked at all and to stay relatively far from the front line. Because of the spaciousness, it can act as a cmd vehicle if needed. Enjoy :)
tank guns warfare explosive cannon bunker engine realistic modern weaponry


  • matty02102
    13th Sep 2017
    Hey thanks man, all it is is practice and a bit of time :)
  • buttseckks
    9th Sep 2017
    dude...yu build way better than me ;-;
  • matty02102
    25th Jun 2017
    Hopefully improvement and development can be seen with each new save
  • matty02102
    25th Jun 2017
    @CTpyromaniac1337 I appreciate any feedback given man and can certainly see that Gatpotzi's work is way easier to understand in the way it is represented, I certainly wanna get better at that :P I'm working from my head imagining the whole thing in a 3d space it can get a tad confusing XD
  • matty02102
    25th Jun 2017
    @JusticeFighter thanks for taking in those extra bits of detail, I feel like it adds a bit of a modern touch to the whole thing, and makes any shell hits that little bit more survivable :P
  • matty02102
    25th Jun 2017
    I aspire to Gatz, however am not at that standard just yet, but thanks!
  • CTpyromaniac1337
    25th Jun 2017
    Gatpotzi has a lot more structure in his tanks, especially the engine block
  • JusticeFighter
    25th Jun 2017
    cnct/gel slanted armour, fire extinguishers, submerged ammunition storage... This is great!
  • JustLOLz
    25th Jun 2017
    i'm getting a gatpotzi vibe from this