2 / 0
6th Jul 2017
6th Jul 2017
Made this on me phone on the bus. :) Could do million times better but.... nah. xD (this is awful sorry)
button gets inthe wayy whoops


  • KDUK2
    23rd Jul 2017
    Hey can you do a save explaining how to do and OFF button for a microwave???
  • 08ohib
    8th Jul 2017
    Thanks mate. From what I understand a chargeable resistor takes in charge and then releases it, like a battery, I'm not sure what the difference really is tbh :/ The touchscreen does make things a bit of a nightmare, but I just used a really small zoom window to make chance of going off less, as each pixel gets really big :)
  • Nean
    6th Jul 2017
    this is more of a battery, but you made this on a phone? that must've been hard. Also this ain't lazy! +1